def
call
apply
apply-dict
if
defmulti
defrecord
=>
dict
puts!
ask!
type
callable?
function?
defmodule
import
import-from
=
not=
<
<=
>
>=
<=>
eq
neq
lt
lte
gt
gte
cmp
abs
trunc
round
ceil
floor
int->float
record->dict
record-type
record-vals
record-values
record-type-name
record-type-fields
fail
try
rx-match
rx-sub
par
sleep
swap
><
rot>
<rot
rot4>
<rot4
dup
2dup
3dup
drop
2drop
3drop
nip
over
2over
over2
$
2$
3$
@
%
$$
2$$
3$$
dip
2dip
3dip
keep
2keep
bi
tri
mlt
bi-and
bi-or
bi$
tri$
mlt$
all?
any?
bi$-and
bi$-or
bi~
tri~
mlt~
bi*
2bi
2tri
2bi$
2bi$'
2bi~
2bi~'
$bi
$fst
$snd
?
when
when1
when2
unless
unless1
unless2
~?
bool
not
and
or
and'
or'
~[=]
~[not=]
~[<]
~[<=]
~[>]
~[>=]
~<=>
~[<=>]
~[eq]
~[neq]
~[lt]
~[lte]
~[gt]
~[gte]
~cmp
~[cmp]
min
max
min'
max'
min-by
max-by
cond1
~>>
+
-
*
neg
/
div
mod
floor/
div?
even?
odd?
neg?
zero?
pos?
inc
dec
ord
chr
char?
show
->str
kwd->str
join
join-with
++sep++
lower-case
upper-case
trim
triml
trimr
starts-with?
ends-with?
~nil
~>
~~>
->nil
num?
~neg
~zero
~pos
~num
^pair
key
val
T()
0T
1T
2T
3T
4T
5T
len
->list
tuple-show
Range
range
range-unseq
range-empty?
range-len
range-get^'
range-has?'
range-elem?'
[m-n]
[m-n)
[m-)
[0-n]
[0-n)
[0-)
[1-n]
[1-n)
[1-)
[m-n:s]
[m-n:s)
[m-:s)
[0-n:s]
[0-n:s)
[0-:s)
[1-n:s]
[1-n:s)
[1-:s)
1list
2list
3list
LSeq
lseq
lseq1
lazy-seq
seq
lseq-seq
seq?
unseq
lseq-unseq
first
rest
empty?
seq-len
++
^list
^seq
~seq
^seq'
when-seq
with-seq
map
filter
mapl
filterl
zip
zip'
foldl
foldr
foldr'
concat
reverse
range-reverse
reverse-as-list
each
iterate
cycle
repeat
replicate
take-first
drop-first
take-while
drop-while
take-nth
find
partition
minimum
maximum
sum
product
head^
tail^
head
tail
uncons^
cons
sort
sort'
uniq
uniq-by
update
keys
values
vals
slice
[i-j)
[i-)
[-j)
[i-j:s)
[i-:s)
[-j:s)
[:s)
slice'
range-slice
seq-slice
get
get^
has?
elem?
get^'
has?'
elem?'
1st
2nd
3rd
last
last^
nth
nth'
indexed
indexed'
get-in
assoc
assoc-in
assoc'
assert-in-range
modify
modify-in
modify'
modify-in'
dissoc
dissoc'
=~
grep
rx-sub1
rx-suball
s///
s///g
fmt
id
[]
const
times
loop
while
until
do-
do-while
do-until
say!
display!
ddisplay!
fmt!
trace!
read-line!
lines!
try-catch
try-finally
assert
Left
Right
left
right
~either
^either
either?
~either'
try->either
either->fail
->
->'
>>=
>>
=<<
return-as
bind
bind-with
do
as
convert->
convert->str
convert->list
←
≠
≤
≥
∘
¬
∧
∨
~[≠]
~[≤]
~[≥]
∋
∌
$
$$
$bi
$fst
$snd
%
*
+
++
++sep++
-
->
->'
->list
->nil
->str
/
0T
1T
1list
1st
2$
2$$
2T
2bi
2bi$
2bi$'
2bi~
2bi~'
2dip
2drop
2dup
2keep
2list
2nd
2over
2tri
3$
3$$
3T
3dip
3drop
3dup
3list
3rd
4T
5T
<
<=
<=>
<rot
<rot4
=
=<<
=>
=~
>
><
>=
>>
>>=
?
@
LSeq
Left
Range
Right
T()
[-j)
[-j:s)
[0-)
[0-:s)
[0-n)
[0-n:s)
[0-n:s]
[0-n]
[1-)
[1-:s)
[1-n)
[1-n:s)
[1-n:s]
[1-n]
[:s)
[]
[i-)
[i-:s)
[i-j)
[i-j:s)
[m-)
[m-:s)
[m-n)
[m-n:s)
[m-n:s]
[m-n]
^either
^list
^pair
^seq
^seq'
abs
all?
and
and'
any?
apply
apply-dict
as
ask!
assert
assert-in-range
assoc
assoc'
assoc-in
bi
bi$
bi$-and
bi$-or
bi*
bi-and
bi-or
bind
bind-with
binrec
bi~
bool
call
callable?
ceil
char?
chr
cmp
concat
cond1
cons
const
convert->
convert->list
convert->str
cycle
ddisplay!
dec
def
defmodule
defmulti
defrecord
dict
dip
display!
dissoc
dissoc'
div
div?
do
do-
do-until
do-while
drop
drop-first
drop-while
dup
each
either->fail
either?
elem?
elem?'
empty?
ends-with?
eq
even?
fail
filter
filterl
find
first
floor
floor/
fmt
fmt!
foldl
foldr
foldr'
function?
get
get-in
get^
get^'
grep
gt
gte
has?
has?'
head
head^
id
if
import
import-from
inc
indexed
indexed'
int->float
iterate
join
join-with
keep
key
keys
kwd->str
last
last^
lazy-seq
left
len
let
lines!
linrec
loop
lower-case
lseq
lseq-seq
lseq-unseq
lseq1
lt
lte
map
mapl
max
max'
max-by
maximum
min
min'
min-by
minimum
mlt
mlt$
mlt~
mod
modify
modify'
modify-in
modify-in'
neg
neg?
neq
nip
not
not=
nth
nth'
num?
odd?
or
or'
ord
over
over2
par
partition
pos?
product
puts!
range
range-elem?'
range-empty?
range-get^'
range-has?'
range-len
range-reverse
range-slice
range-unseq
read-line!
record->dict
record-type
record-type-fields
record-type-name
record-vals
record-values
repeat
replicate
require
rest
return-as
reverse
reverse-as-list
right
rot4>
rot>
round
rx-match
rx-sub
rx-sub1
rx-suball
s///
s///g
say!
seq
seq-len
seq-slice
seq?
show
sleep
slice
slice'
sort
sort'
starts-with?
sum
swap
tail
tail^
take-first
take-nth
take-while
times
trace!
tri
tri$
trim
triml
trimr
tri~
trunc
try
try->either
try-catch
try-finally
tuple-show
type
uncons^
uniq
uniq-by
unless
unless1
unless2
unseq
until
update
upper-case
use
use-from
val
vals
values
when
when-seq
when1
when2
while
with-seq
zero?
zip
zip'
~<=>
~>
~>>
~?
~[<=>]
~[<=]
~[<]
~[=]
~[>=]
~[>]
~[cmp]
~[eq]
~[gt]
~[gte]
~[lt]
~[lte]
~[neq]
~[not=]
~[≠]
~[≤]
~[≥]
~cmp
~either
~either'
~neg
~nil
~num
~pos
~seq
~zero
~~>
¬
←
∋
∌
∘
∧
∨
≠
≤
≥